Lots of people have done creative things with antique windows, so I am not re-inventing the wheel here, just showing you my particular twist on it. My friend Sheila showed me this antique window with panes missing and asked if I was interested in it. She gave me a great price on it and I set out for my adventure.
I am new at this, so I will show you a couple of projects that were fun and easy to do. I love that vintage..."I've been somewhere and have a story to tell," look when it comes to wall art. I have always had a problem with store bought art because being an artist, you just never capture the true essence of the artist's brush, so my walls are sprinkled with photos of my family and friends and original art by me. A true eclectic mix of things that I love and an expression of myself. I will never have a room in "Elle Decor" or "Verdana" magazines but our home expresses our family's love for color and our laid back lifestyle. Here are two examples of re-created vintage windows. I had so much fun doing these that I am sure there will be more to come in the future. I am not sure why both of them have heart themes. I get an image stuck in my head sometimes. I have some future pieces planned with flying clocks, arrows, alphabet letters and birds. For now...hearts LOL!!!

This window was my first effort. I may go back and add some cool elements to it now that I am feeling a bit more confident, but this is how it hangs on the wall now.
I got this piece of garden edging from a friend's trash can. I forbid her to throw it out. LOL! Look at how it is still usable to make a cute statement on this piece. Soooo not trash!
The scrolly piece of metal at the top was given to me in exchange for painting for a friend of mine. She gave me four pieces. Two short and two long...this is one of the shorter pieces. It fit perfectly at the top!
Old wooden heart that I had in my garage. Painted and everything. I ran some rusted wire through some holes that were in it and made it a cute hanger. Added a screw to the window frame and voila!
Notice how cute the little latch is on the right hand side of the window. Love it! The buttery yellow walls come through as well to make this a cute piece. I left the window frame as I found it with a little bit of brownish red paint still showing at the top.
Here is the second project. You can tell I got a lot bolder with this one. I drew it out first on a piece of paper. I wanted a winged heart from the beginning so this piece had a little more intention than the first one.
Found the perfect pre-cut heart at Michael's Craft Store. Painted it Tuscan red and then dabbed with my palm some of the creamy yellow I painted on the re-cycled corrugated cardboard wings. Also found a piece of beaded board paneling in the garage and painted it sage green. Dabbed some yellow on it as well.
Added detail to the wings with some black spray paint and dry brush in denim then sanded them a tiny bit for distress.
Added some rusted wire and a mother of pearl accent that was in my trinket box from a broken necklace for detail.
Used a metal scrolly piece to add the "stencil" effect. Laid it on the frame and then sprayed black spray paint over it. The brown peg board was a scrap that I had in the garage. NOTHING is trash!!!!!! I am not a pack rat, but some things I don't let go of knowing that they will have a future purpose in life!!!
Thanks to my friend Sheila for chatting with me about my plans for windows. She had some great ideas that she followed through on and I am excited to say that I have a new art adventure to pursue now.
I am working on several more window projects and plan on showing them at an upcoming open air market next month!!! One of a kind art pieces. Possibly also offering them in my Etsy store I am about to open (30 days) and of course selling them at A & J Antique Mall...one of my favorite places on earth!
Happy Thrifting XOXO...the thrift addict